Cloudant Spring Boot Auto-Configuration


With this starter for SpringBoot, using Cloudant and CouchDB couldn’t be easier!

The Github project for Spring Boot auto-configuration binding for Cloudant is available at

Injecting Cloudant

Just inject the cloudant DB into your code:

public Database mydb(CloudantClient cloudant) {
  return cloudant.database("mydb", true);

Then start using it:

Database mydb;

Installing with Maven


Spring Boot Configuration

Configurations can be placed in the (or yml, or json) as usual. The username and password is mandatory.

##### Mandatory configs #####
cloudant.username=myUserName     #Username as assigned by Cloudant.
cloudant.password=myPasswd       #Password as assigned by Cloudant.

##### Optional configs #####
cloudant.account=myAccountName   #Defaults to username if left blank.
cloudant.url=...                 #Defaults to official server.
cloudant.proxyURL=...            #URL to proxy server
cloudant.proxyUser=myUserName    #Proxy username
cloudant.proxyPassword=myPasswd  #Proxy password.
cloudant.connectTimeout=300      #Connect timeout in seconds. Default to 300 seconds (5 minutes).
cloudant.readTimeout=300         #Read timeout in seconds. Default to 300 seconds (5 minutes).
cloudant.maxConnections=6        #Default to 6.
cloudant.disableSSLAuthentication=false   #Defaults to false.

Bluemix (CloudFoundry) Configuration

When using Bluemix (CloudFoundry), the client will automatically use the Cloudant service binded to the app instead of the Spring configuration.

Bluemix’s VCAP_SERVICES environment variable containing a Cloudant service will always take precedence over any Spring configuration. This is useful – Local development will use the Spring configuration properties, and promoting it to Bluemix will automatically use the environment configured instance. If Spring’s configuration is desired, just remove the Cloudant service binding from your Bluemix app.

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